Helena Clayton | Helena Clayton's blog
A monthly blog where I share what I'm doing, thinking and learning about.
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Joy and Leadership And Thich Naht Hanh

09 Jun 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Work as Love in Action

I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership culture recently. And you know that I’m interested in the idea of how leadership practices can be more loving. Well, I read How to Love  by Thich Naht Hanh, a book ostensibly about our close relationships but one…

The terrifying prospect of rewriting our old story

04 May 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

Work as Love in Action 3: am I choosing to be generous? In leadership development, I often work with binaries, with different ends of a spectrum in order to explore something, maybe creating a false polarity to make a point. Are you a strategic or…

How I’m accessing space to create more space

22 Apr 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

I’ve written in a previous blog how the need for space feels so pressing for leaders. And that a common coaching goal is to help leaders find where that space might be created. In some painful weeks of parallel process, I’ve been struggling with a similar issue….

Best Self? Or Full Self?

13 Mar 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

When we lead, we often think that we have to show our best self to the world. That we need to present a bright and shiny version of ourselves in the belief that that’s what people want to see. We have a culture of perfectionism…

Bringing what’s different

01 Mar 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

In OD or coaching, there’s often a call for us to bring something into the system that’s missing. We need to notice what’s not there and sometimes be that something. To be the difference that makes the difference. Which got me wondering about my own…

When coaching goals no longer matter

22 Feb 2016, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

You know that achieving the coaching goals you set don’t really matter, when: a question stops your client in her tracks to the extent that she can’t speak and her eyes can’t leave yours as she’s gripped by the possibilities in the answer you have…

Metaphors to coach by…

13 Nov 2015, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog

Funny what sticks with you, isn’t it? I was a participant recently on a coaching workshop where the facilitator mentioned two images, almost as asides. Throwaway, almost. And yet they’ve really stayed with me. The first was, when listening to your coaching client, to let…

Leading from Love

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