Helena Clayton | hope

hope Tag


Questions about hope

06 May 2024, Posted by Helena Clayton in Monthly Blog, Uncategorized

I’ve been exploring hope with groups of people at my regular Acts of Love for Tough Times, talking about hope as a form of love that’s necessary for these tough-and-getting-tougher times we’re in. Things like: • Is there a difference between hope and optimism? •…

Poems for Tough Times

03 Feb 2024, Posted by Helena Clayton in Uncategorized

So on Monday 29 January, Tom Hirons and I ran a poetry workshop, reading and discussing 6 poems that we felt said something important and relevant for these tricky times we’re living through. We started with two poems that said something about the importance of…

Leadership, love and hope

06 Apr 2021, Posted by Helena Clayton in Work as Love in Action

In the face of exhaustion, despair, pessimism and apathy, what role does hope play?  How can we connect ourselves and others to the felt sense and a belief that tomorrow could be better than today? How is cultivating a sense of hope a responsibility of…

Love + climate crisis

03 Feb 2020, Posted by Helena Clayton in Newsletters

My research and writing on love mostly relates to organisations and leadership. But when I was invited to speak at #OneGreenGov on love and the role it plays at a time of climate crisis, I couldn’t pass it up. So what’s the link between love…

Leading from Love

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